One of the many terraces within the Citadel
A small (and one of the less intricate) examples of paving using only stones and moss
View of the main palace and fort from the general life i.e. Palace the royalty went to when the wanted some downtime.
One of our first looks at the intricately carved walls within most of the buildings. The detail and variety was amazing especially considering it was all done by hand.
They didn't teach that in woodwork class
One of the royalty going for a leisurely stroll
Stairway containing channels for water to run down railing.
Another shot of the Palace and fort yet to be visited
These grounds would have been a gardeners dream and the place would look even more amazing in spring
The mote
A small shop on the way where woodcarvers create intricate mosaic chessboards and tables (on the left)
The frist rooms of the Palace Navaries
View of Granada from a window city
The carved inscriptions were usually praises to God
The ceilings were so intricately carved that we wondered if it was to force you to look up to God
Inner court yard
Many panelled doors offering different views of the court yard
The fort
Views of the Sierra Nevada ranges from the fort
Cool building in Granada
Some guy relaxing far below on the wall
View of the fort from the highest point