
The view of the jungle outside our hostel room
Kayla's muddy bum
The rough monsoonal Vagator beach
The friendly dog (we named Bruce) who took us in.
The berth we had on our first class train trip to Trivandrum
One of the many meals we were offered along the way.


We finally arrived in India around 5am, stepping out into our first of many monsoon down pours. Piling our gear into a taxi, we at first thought we would never get to the hostel after becoming caught up in a parking lot traffic jam, surrounded by a cacophony of honking buses and taxis. Freeing us from the parking lot, the 90minute drive from the airport to Vagator beach took us past the capital and into a rural jungle, the journey slowed to dodge cows lying in the middle of the road. This was something we would learn was normal, even on highways, due to their sacred status.