Leaving London

After leaving the hotel in ExCel we returned to the Astor Hyde park Hostel where our adventure had started. After storing our luggage we headed off intent on visiting Hyde Park and the adjoining Kensington Palace. Kayla, however, had other ideas, so off we went trekking in search of her new Chromebook. After traversing London in search of a store that had one in stock we headed back to the hostel for an early night.

Return to England

After staying in Europe for as long as our Visa's would allow, we returned to England to slow down, visit some new places and old, and for Kayla to start work. After leaving the ferry, we headed north from Dover to Dartford, London. Having been away for so long there was quite a bit of mail that we were expecting, including the vehicle tax plate, so we jumped onto the first train and headed into central London.


After a long journey we finally arrived in London at the start of a new day and an amazing adventure. During the flight/layovers we met some very nice people which was a great start to a year abroad.

When we first exited the train we caught from Heathrow we were delighted at the differences between Australia and England... besides the freezing cold. Often these were little things that we thought were cool or were just another way of doing something. For example: